All over the world people use the very same basic ingredients: MEAT VEGETABLES and binding activators like sauces, fat cooked on a stove or in an oven. What changes are spices!


I was always very busy. I never had time to prepare elaborated meals. Yet I wish to eat yummy! So, I found a way to make delicious food by taking ingredients which were handy: fresh main + correct spices!

Also, relative to the quantities of basic ingredients used, the outcome changes. Names are indicator of a place, yet never of the food itself.

Just because it’s named different doesn’t make it different!

Let’s talk about PANCAKES: a main way to eat bread fast cooked. In Germany they use the very same ingredients like the French, yet what FRANCE named Crepes – a delicate thin base to take other addings into you, like marmalade, applesauce, GERMANY made thick! Pfannkuchen. In AMERICA their impatience got this delicate food into a calamity which they named Hot Cakes.

When you take the sugar out you get bread, that is pita in the Middle East, pizza in Italy, flat bread in Turkey… and once you change the wheat flour for corn, you find a classical MEXICAN tortilla!


This is what you most likely will prepare.


The way a good meal is prepared is about knowing the right timing! How long specific food requires to achieve the desired outcome is crucial to good cooking. The professionals brought this to an entire new level. You can cook great by basics you’ll find out experiencing in my guidance.


Might be for some dishes they can vary, yet for specific meals the temperature is what makes it possible!

Like crème brûlée: it must be slow cooked under constant stirring at low temperature! If you use high temperature you get a boiled / scrambled eggs! Crème brûlée is French for Pudding without bread. Or Mayonnaise: egg yolk+oil over low temperature for a considerable amount of TIME. When you change time+heat you get an omelette. And naturally: when you don’t hear the sugar on top of the crème brûlée you don’t get the hard sweet caramelized surface!


Knowing the purpose is to bring nutrients to our body, I began to vary what was traditional in order for me to be as healthy and well nourished as I can.

COOKING time + PREPARATION time is not the same:

Some oven cooked meals will take longer to cook, yet the preparation time might be shorter than a skillet cooked meal, so you may profit using an oven dish! Those can usually be prepared in advance!

In Terms the meaning of fast cooking to slow cooking, over stove, pan, skillet or grill, same as the form of slicing the food will be made clear.

MIXING / BLENDING the ingredients can be making the difference. It is never the same to blend by hand – which can be controlled but tricky to keep the ingredients at low temperature, for the hands will give out heat. A great baking dough for a crumbling texture at buttery taste needs to be fast prepared! TIMING is all! On the other hand, a mixer holding the TEMPERATURE low, might overdo the dough! A great egg scrambled will be fluffy not alone by a great mixing – by hand or machine, yet definitely the way it is cooked! Some things cannot be chopped in a mixing device: ground meat!






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